Observations of disturbances in the geomagnetic field in the
1÷1000 s period range and in the lower and upper ionosphere
that followed the Chelyabinsk meteorite passage and explosion
are presented. The effects in the vicinity of the Chelyabinsk
meteorite path were studied through the variations in
the total electron content recorded by the GPS satellites.
Ionospheric observations at a distance of ~ 2000 ÷ 3000 km
were made using ionosonde data and the parameters of
66 2/3 kHz radio signal along the Moscow–Kharkiv path.
The manifestation of both acoustic and gravitation waves
that followed the meteorite explosion were detected. Appreciable
variations in the geomagnetic field were not revealed
(1÷1000 s period).
1÷1000 s period range and in the lower and upper ionosphere
that followed the Chelyabinsk meteorite passage and explosion
are presented. The effects in the vicinity of the Chelyabinsk
meteorite path were studied through the variations in
the total electron content recorded by the GPS satellites.
Ionospheric observations at a distance of ~ 2000 ÷ 3000 km
were made using ionosonde data and the parameters of
66 2/3 kHz radio signal along the Moscow–Kharkiv path.
The manifestation of both acoustic and gravitation waves
that followed the meteorite explosion were detected. Appreciable
variations in the geomagnetic field were not revealed
(1÷1000 s period).
Full Text:
Черногор Л.Ф. Возмущения в геокосмосе, сопровождавшие падение метеорита "Челябинск" / Л.Ф. Черногор, К.П. Гармаш // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2013. — Т. 18, № 3. — С. 231-243.

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