An analytical review of literature related to application of the impedance approach in solving electrodynamic boundary value problems for 75 years since 1938, when M. A. Leontovich had formulated the impedance boundary conditions for electromagnetic fields on a conductive body surface, is here presented. During this period, the impedance approach has been extended to a wide range of electrodynamic problems, where its usage allows to greatly extend the scope of mathematical modelling, which adequately takes into account physical properties of real boundary surfaces. Therefore, it should be important to systematize the experience of many authors concerning this approach. The limits and conditions for correct usage of the impedance boundary conditions are analyzed, too. Metal-dielectric structures with known theoretical values of surface impedance are also presented. Special attention is paid to the characteristics of film structures and thin impedance vibrators.
Key words: impedance approach, impedance type boundary condition, surface impedance, effective impedance, impedance surface
Manuscript submitted 05.12.2013
Radio phys. radio astron. 2014, 19(1): 57-80
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