Topicality of this work is due to the necessity of studying the physical effects associated with the processes in the magnetosphere and the ionosphere. The HF Doppler radar of vertical sounding is used for observations. The spectral analysis of the beat mode for detecting the Doppler filtering of acoustic waves is used for data processing. Spectral analysis is also used to select oscillations in the frequency range of 1−12 Hz (ULF electromagnetic waves). Processing technique was verified by the numerical experiment. ULF waves are experimentally established to be observed in the daytime with a frequency of 1.5 Hz.
Key words: simulation of HF signal beatings, Doppler radar, ionosphere, spectral analysis, electromagnetic ULF waves, acoustic wavesManuscript submitted: 14.01.2014
Radio phys. radio astron. 2014, 19(2): 160-169
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