A problem of electromagnetic wave excitation by finite-dimensional material bodies located in an arbitrary electrodynamic volume was formulated. The problem was reduced to solution of two-dimensional integral equations for electrical surface currents on the material bodies, using the concept of distributed impedance. Physically correct transition from the resulting integral equations to a system of one-dimensional equations for the currents in thin impedance vibrators, which electrophysical and geometrical parameters are generally irregular over their length, was made. The solution of these equations for the system of two vibrators having varying surface impedance in a rectangular waveguide was found by the generalized method of induced electromotive forces. The results of numerical and experimental studies of electrodynamic characteristics of the structure under consideration are presented.
Key words:electromagnetic waves, impedance vibrator, rectangular waveguide, varying surface impedanceManuscript submitted 11.11.2014
Radio phus. radio astron. 2015, 20(1): 64-75
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