PACS numbers: 81.05.Xj, 78.67.Pt
Subject and purpose: The resonant properties are studied of the dielectric metalayer in a form of a doubly periodic structure consisting of silicon parallelepipeds placed on a flat quartz substrate.
Design/methodology/approach: Using the pseudospectral timedomain method, numerical simulations of electromagnetic plane wave scattering on the metalayer are made. Resonant properties of the metalayer were experimentally investigated by measuring frequency characteristics of a transmitted electromagnetic wave in a quasi-optical measuring waveguide within 52 to73 GHz. For experimental study, a sample of metalayer was made with the method of mechanical cutting of a layered silicon-quartz structure by a diamond disk. A peculiarity of the studied structure is a double-layer character of the array elements. Each element has a form of a parallelepiped and includes an upper silicon part and a bottom quartz part. A height of the upper part of parallelepiped was changed during the experimental study (the patterned silicon side of the metalayer was polished).
Findings: A new technological design of metalayers providing an excitation of high-Q resonances is proposed. The resonances were found to be associated with forming of longitudinal electric or magnetic dipoles in elements of the array and in the substrate. The properties of these kinds of resonances depend on the height of the elements in different ways that allows to control the resonant properties of the structure by selecting the height of the silicon parts. Experimental studies have confirmed the properties of the magnetic dipole resonances predicted theoretically.
Conclusions: Performed theoretical and experimental research efforts have demonstrated the opportunity to design all-dielectric resonant metalayers for terahertz applications.
Key words: dielectric metalayer, periodic structure, silicon, quartz, transmission resonance, absorption resonance
Manuscript submitted 22.12.2015
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