Subject and Purpose. In Part 1 of the paper, a mathematical model of an autodyne self-oscillator with frequency tuning by varactor capacitance varying is built and thoroughly analyzed for the features of signal formation in autodyne radar with a wide frequency-modulation bandwidth and a nonlinearity in the modulation characteristic. The aim of the study is to appreciate the action that the nonlinearity of the oscillator modulation characteristic exerts on the spectral characteristics of signals from frequency-modulation autodyne radar.
Methods and Methodology. The research method is a mathematical analysis of the operation of an autodyne oscillator with electronic frequency tuning. To examine formation processes of emitted autodyne signals, the spectral, frequency and amplitude characteristics of signals from frequency-modulation autodyne radar are constructed with the use of numerical modeling techniques.
Results. Numerical modeling of autodyne response signal spectra has been performed for various distances to the reflecting object and different modulating voltages across the varactor. It has been shown that a nonlinear dependence of the generator frequency on
the varactor voltage makes for the broadening of the autodyne response signal spectrum. It has been found that as the object distance increases, the frequency of the autodyne response signal moves towards the higher frequencies, while the nonlinearity makes the
spectrum broaden. Th e obtained calculation results refer to an 8-mm Gunn diode autodyne.
Conclusion. The performed research of the spectral characteristics and into the features of signal formation in autodyne transceiver devices with a wide frequency tuning has shown that in order to achieve high resolution figures from autodyne radar, certain methods are needed to be developed for adjusting the laws of frequency modulation and for the processing of response signals from reflecting objects. Such a method and ways to solve these problems will be presented in Part 2 of the work.
Keywords: autodyne, autodyne signal, frequency modulation, modulation characteristic nonlinearity, short-range radar, Gunn-diode oscillator, varactor
Manuscript submitted 15.12.2021
Radio phys. radio astron. 2022, 27(1): 053-063
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