Subject and Purpose. The article is devoted to the analysis of theoretically and experimentally obtained values of the specific effective sea-scattering surface in the region of super-high-frequencies (SHF). The study is reasoned by the need to know characteristics of the electromagnetic wave scattering from various objects at the modeling stage. The focus is on the choice of backscattering model with a methodology of specific effective scattering surface estimation that takes into account the shadowing effect of the sea surface under given conditions.
Methods and Methodology. The study is based on mathematical modeling techniques and is accompanied by the comparison of the modeling results with experiment.
Results. Proceeding from the simulation results with the effect of sea-surface shadowing taken into account and relying on the check of consistency with the measured data, a comparison analysis has been performed among theoretical models of specific effective sea-scattering surface calculation at low grazing angles.
Conclusion. Analysis has been given to the specific effective sea-scattering surface obtained by the facet and two-scale models and to the values measured by experiment. Quantitative estimates of the specific effective scattering surface have been obtained with the shadowing effect of the sea surface taken into account. Analysis of the quantitative estimates has been carried out.
Keywords: radio wave propagation, backscattering, specific effective scattering surface
Manuscript submitted 25.04.2023
Radio phys. radio astron. 2023, 28(3): 224-233
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