An Unusual Burst at Decameter Wavelengths. 1. Observations

A. I. Brazhenko, V. M. Melnik, O. O. Konovalenko, V. V. Dorovskyy, A. V. Frantsuzenko, H. O. Rucker, M. Panchenko, A. A. Stanislavsky


An unusual burst was observed by the UTR-2 (Kharkiv, Ukraine) and URAN-2 (Poltava, Ukraine) radio telescopes on June 3, 2011. It was recorded in the frequency band 16-28 MHz. Its frequency drift rate (about 500 kHz/s) was positive at frequencies higher than 22 MHz and negative with drift rate 100 kHz/s at lower frequencies. The half-power duration of this burst was about the same at all frequencies and made 17-22 s. The fine frequency-time structure was unusual too. The maximum radio flux of the unusual burst at 24 MHz was about 103 s.f.u. and its polarization was about 10 %. We propose an interpretation of the unusual burst.

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Браженко А.И. Необычный солнечный всплеск в декаметровом диапазоне длин волн. 1. Наблюдения / А.И. Браженко, В.В. Мельник, А.А. Коноваленко, В.В. Доровский, А.В. Французенко, Х.О. Рукер, М. Панченко, А.А. Станиславский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 2. — С. 99-106.

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