Laser-Microwave Spectroscopy of Singlet F-terms of Mg I
Results of frequency measurements of nine double-photon Rydberg-Rydberg microwave 3snf1F3→3s(n+1)f1F3 transitions of Mg I by means of a laser-microwave spectrometer are presented. The transitions were observed in the frequency range 56-117 GHz and in the range of the principal quantum number variation n=30-40. Using the data obtained the first constant of Ritz quantum defect expansion has been determined as Elj=0.0517019(91).
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Куценко А.С. Лазерно-микроволновая спектроскопия синглетных F-термов атома Mg I / А.С. Куценко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 2. — С. 171-176.

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