Non-redundant antenna configurations on a 2-d interferometer aperture completely covering central domains in the frequency space
A regular method for building a non-redundant multi-element 2-D array configuration is suggested. The method is based on using sequences of a special type – planar difference sets. Here, it is applied for constructing a mathematical model of a radio interfe- rometer that ensures the complete coverage of the central domain in the frequency space. The non-redundant configurations satisfying this condition, with the numbers of elements up to 38, are presented.
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Копилович Л.Е. Безызбыточные конфигурации антенн на двумерной апертуре интерферометра, дающие полное покрытие центральных областей в плоскости пространственных частот / Л.Е. Копилович // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 2. — С. 176-182.

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