Physical parameters of sources with steepness of radio spectra at the decameter band
Based on the sample of objects with spectral indices α ≥1 from the extragalactic source’s catalog compiled with the UTR-2 radio telescope the decameter band radio sources with spectrum steepness (the spectral type C+) are studied. The luminosities of the sampled galaxies and quasars at the decameter, centimeter and optical bands and the estimated values of the magnetic field strength, linear size and characteristic age are determined within the ΛCDM -model of the Universe. On the analogy of sources with the linear steep spectrum (the spectral type S), galaxies and quasars with C+ -spectra have the high radio luminosity and extent radio structure. The correlation of the linear size of C+ -spectrum sources and their low-frequency luminosity is found. The considerable cosmological evolution of luminosity is revealed for the examined sources.
Full Text:
Мирошниченко А.П. Физические параметры источников с укручением радиоспектров в декаметровом диапазоне / А.П. Мирошниченко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 1. — С. 32-39.

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