Focusing of Quasar Radiation in the Gravitational Field of a Microlens-Star Inside a Macrolens- Galaxy. 2. Intensity Contours Structure of the Radiation Source Visible Image
In the approximation of Sobolev and paraxial optics methods, the focusing effect of a complex gravitational lens formed by the gravitational fields of a macrolens-galaxy and a microlens-star was analyzed. The problem is solved for an arbitrary location of the microlens along the source – macrolens – observer route. Intensity contours of images were constructed and magnification factor of a complex lens was calculated. It was shown that the microlens renders the greatest influence on the focusing effect when it is located on the macrolens – observer route. The obtained results can be used in solving the inverse problem of parameters recovery of dark matter by observing the microlensing effect.
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Бердина Л.А. Фокусировка излучения квазара в гравитационном поле микролинзы-звезды, находящейся в макролинзе-галактике. 2. Структура изофот и усиление блеска видимого изображения источника излучения / Л.А. Бердина, А.А. Минаков, В.Г. Вакулик // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2011. — Т. 16, № 3. — С. 241-253
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