Scattering of H-Polarized Electromagnetic Wave by Infinite Dihedral Wedge Co-Axially Coupled with Slotted Cylinder

Y. V. Shepilko


Scattering of a plane Н-polarized electromagnetic wave by a perfectly conducting and infinitely extensive dihedral wedge, whose edge is placed on the axis of a circular cylinder with a longitudinal slot is in strict statement reduced to solving the system of linear algebraic equations of second kind with respect to the unknown coefficients of Fourier- expansions of the scattered field. It is shown that at the opening angle of a slot equal to the opening angle of a wedge, the solution is of analytical form. The calculation results for the field in the far zone are shown to the prescribed accuracy. It is also shown that for a narrow wedge and narrow slot for some values electrical diameters of a cylinder, the structure backscatter cross-section sharp increase takes place. The radiation patterns of a scattered field are constructed for different structure parameters.

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Шепилко Е.В. Рассеяние плоской Н-поляризованной электромагнитной волны бесконечно протяженным двугранным клином, сопряженным с продольно-щелевым цилиндром / Е.В. Шепилко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2011. — Т. 16, № 3. — С. 299-306.

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