Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Wave Spectrometers Based on the Direct Digital Synthesizers
Two new fast scan spectrometers based on direct digital synthesizer frequency synthesis are presented. The spectrometers provide fast, to 100 GHz/hr, acquisition of molecular spectra keeping high-precision measurements of transition frequencies: for an isolated line, the error does not exceed ±0.002 MHz (provided that signal-tonoise ratio is more than 50). Source frequency modulation is also provided by means of direct digital synthesizers that allows to assure high stability and definiteness of parameters of frequency-modulated signal and minimize lineshape distortion of the spectral lines.
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Алексеев Е.А. Спектрометры миллиметрового и субмиллиметрового диапазонов на основе синтезаторов прямого цифрового синтеза / Е.А. Алексеев, Р.А. Мотиенко, Л. Маргулес // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2011. — Т. 16, № 3. — С. 313-325.

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