Heliograph of the UTR-2 Radio Telescope. II. Design Features
The present paper is the second part of the work devoted to the detailed description of the heliograph based on the UTR-2 radio telescope. The most essential heliograph component is the phase shift module for quick sky scanning by antenna beams. Its construction is represented together with the length calculations of its switched cables. An image in the actual heliograph is formed just due to this module.
Full Text:
Абранин Э.П. Гелиограф радиотелескопа УТР-2. II. Конструктивные особенности / Э.П. Абранин, А.А. Станиславский, А.А. Коваль, А.А. Коноваленко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2011. — Т. 16, № 2. — С. 135-144.

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