Reflective Grating of Perforated Strips as a Frequency-Selective Surface
Scattering of a plane monochromatic wave by a grating of metal strips periodically perforated by rectangular apertures has been studied. It is shown that such a grating provides a resonant reflection of an incident wave. An influence of geometrical dimensions of the grating upon the frequency and the Q-factor of the reflection resonance has been considered. Spectral problem on searching the natural oscillation spectrum in the complex frequency range has been solved for a physical explanation of the reflection resonance. Numerical data for multi-layered filters with improved selectivity are presented.
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Кириленко А.A. Отражательная решетка из перфорированных лент как частотно-селективная поверхность / А.A. Кириленко, Л.П. Мосьпан // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2011. — Т. 16, № 1. — С. 90-98.

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