Instrumental Complex for Spectral Observations at 85 to 116 GHz at the CrAO RT-22 Radio Telescope

A. V. Antyufeyev, S. Y. Zubrin, A. M. Korol, O. M. Korolev, V. V. Myshenko, V. I. Piddyachiy, A. V. Poladich, V. I. Shkodin, V. M. Shulga


The instrumental complex for spectral lines investigation of the molecular radiation from different galactic sources at frequencies from 85 to 116 GHz at the CrAO RT-22 radio telescope was developed. The complex structure, observational modes and calibration technique are described. Possible observational modes are compared. Examples of the measured spectra are presented.

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Антюфеев А.В. Аппаратурный комплекс для спектральных наблюдений в диапазоне частот 85–116 ГГц на радиотелескопе РТ-22 КрАО / А.В. Антюфеев, С.Ю. Зубрин, А.Н. Король, А.М. Королев, В.В. Мышенко, В.И. Подъячий, А.В. Поладич, В.И. Шкодин, В.М. Шульга // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2010. — Т. 15, № 4. — С. 369-376.

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