Determination of Multilayer Structure Parameters by Means of Reconstruction of Scattering Matrix from Known Reflection Coefficients
A new method for determination of both layers’ permittivity and thickness of a plain multilayer structure is proposed. The reflection coefficient of a plain electromagnetic wave is considered as initial data in the problem. The method is based on an approach to reconstruction of the frequency dependences of all scattering matrix elements in a limited waveband. The scattering matrix has been recovered by recalculation of the measured reflection coefficients for this structure in free space and on a perfectly-conducting screen. A high accuracy in both permittivity and thickness determination is achieved due to identification of spectral coefficients which are distinguished from scattering matrix elements and expressed as a finite series of undamped complex exponents.
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Назарчук З.Т. Визначення характеристик шаруватої структури за реконструйованою з коефіцієнтів відбиття матрицею розсіювання / З.Т. Назарчук, А.Т. Синявський // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2010. — Т. 15, № 3. — С. 295-314.

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