Ionospheric Disturbances over Europe Stimulated by Strong Atmospheric Front

Y. M. Zanimonskiy, A. V. Zalizovski, V. N. Lisachenko, A. O. Sopin, Yu. M. Yampolski


The preliminary results are presented of investigation of variations in the ionospheric total electron content in January, 2007 over Central Europe which can be associated with tropospheric processes in this region. Data from a network of European permanent GNSS stations were used in the study. An index of ionospheric disturbance is suggested to characterize ionospheric response to external influences.

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Занимонский Е.М. Ионосферные возмущения над Европой, стимулированные мощным атмосферным фронтом / Е.М. Занимонский, А.В. Зализовский, В.Н. Лисаченко, А.А. Сопин, Ю.М. Ямпольский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2010. — Т. 15, № 2. — С. 164-171.

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