Electromagnetic Wave Diffraction by a Doubly Periodic Grating of Uninterrupted Curvilinear Metal Strips Placed on Both Surfaces of a Dielectric Layer
Electromagnetic wave scattering by a planar double-layer structure which consists of doubleperiodic strip gratings placed on both surfaces of a dielectric layer is solved numerically. The reflection properties of a double-layer structure are compared against those of a single plane grating, the influence of the strip shift in neighboring gratings upon the frequency dependence of reflection coefficient being analyzed. The resonance dependences of the amplitudes of structure strips surface currents are considered for a small interlayer distance case.
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Младенов П.Л. Дифракция волн на двухпериодических решетках из непрерывных криволинейных металлических лент, расположенных с двух сторон диэлектрического слоя / П.Л. Младенов, С.Л. Просвирнин //Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2010. — Т. 15, № 2. — С. 171-183.

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