Electromagnetic Wave Oblique Incidence on a Planar Double-Element Finite-Depth Screen with Rectangular Holes
Frequency dependence of the coefficient of oblique incident electromagnetic wave reflection from a screen surface is shown to be similar to that at normal incidence. Values of resonant frequencies of high-Q resonances of the total transmission, total reflection and “abnormal” transmission through evanescent-mode holes shift to higher or lower frequencies depending on screen feeding method and on method of basic cell center arrangement in an aperture plane. At oblique incidence of electromagnetic wave one more “abnormal” resonance of the total propagation through evanescent-mode rectangular holes has been revealed. Use of the screen with a nonrectangular array allows to widen a screen operating range against that of the screen with a rectangular array.
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Грибовский А.В. Наклонное падение электромагнитной волны на плоский двухэлементный экран конечной толщины с прямоугольными отверстиями / А.В. Грибовский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2010. — Т. 15, № 2. — С. 193-199.

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