On Quality of Magnetic TE0nq Eigenmodes of an Open Resonator with Spherical Mirrors
The behavior of axially-symmetric magnetic eigenmodes of an open resonator with spherical mirrors has been numerically investigated. The effect of diffraction quality increase (decrease) from one to two orders in magnitude by varying geometrical parameters of the resonator has been found and investigated. Degeneration points of resonator eigenmodes have been revealed in the complex plane.
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Свищёв Ю.В. О добротности собственных колебаний магнитного типа TE0nq открытого резонатора со сферическими зеркалами / Ю.В. Свищёв // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2010. — Т. 15, № 2. — С. 199-207.

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