Solid-State Sources of Geterodyne Radiation at Submillimeter Wavelengths
Solid-state sources of heterodyne radiation at submillimeter waves are considered. Solid-state generators cannot provide the desired power level at these frequencies, therefore frequency multipliers are required to transfer operating frequencies from the millimeter to submillimeter wavelengths. Multistage chain of multipliers on Schottky-barrier diodes with the small harmonic numbers and one-stage multipliers with the large harmonic numbers are also considered.
Full Text:
Еру И.И. Твердотельные источники гетеродинного излучения субмиллиметрового диапазона / И.И. Еру // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2010. — Т. 15, № 2. — С. 224-233.

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