Observations of Radiation from North American Power Mains in Antarctica
The annual data (from March, 2003 till February, 2004) of continuous measurements of power mains radiation of the North American continent at the Ukrainian Antarctic Station “Akademik Vernadsky” is analyzed. Records of variations of horizontal magnetic components of signals near the first harmonic 60 Hz of the power mains are studied. The recorded radiation is shown to be no local interference signal but generated in the northern hemisphere. Diurnal and seasonal variations of spectral and polarizing parameters of the fundamental harmonic of the power mains and broadband ELF background are analyzed. The high degree of correlation of the intensity of the spectral line of 60 Hz with the diurnal cycle of the electric power generation in the USA – Canada power system is established. Regular reduction of intensity of the line during the weekend (“weekend effect”) is established. The large power blackout in the USA – Canada power system on August 14, 2003 is examined in detail. The possibility of using the data in the ELF waveband for the monitoring of electromagnetic pollution in the Antarctic Region produced by the radiation of the power mains from industrially advanced regions of the globe is shown.
Full Text:
Колосков А.В. Наблюдения излучения энергосистем Североамериканского континента в Антарктике / А.В. Колосков, Ю.М. Ямпольский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2009. — Т. 14, № 4. — С. 367-377.

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