Paradoxical Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves through Rectangular Evanescent Apertures in Ideally Conducting Screen of Final Thickness
On the basis of the near field analysis of an ideally conducting two-dimension periodic twoelement screen of final thickness with rectangular apertures the conclusion is made that the origin of high quality resonances of full propagation, full reflection and paradoxical propagation of electromagnetic waves through evanescent apertures is the same and is connected with the excitation of big amplitude superficial harmonics propagating in pairs towards each other along the whole surface of the screen from both sides. On the frequencies of electromagnetic wave full propagation low-quality resonances connected with the screen thickness, the superficial harmonics are excited with the amplitudes being an order smaller than those in the case of high quality resonances.
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Грибовский А.В. Аномальное прохождение электромагнитных волн через прямоугольные запредельные отверстия в идеально проводящем экране конечной толщины / А.В. Грибовский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2009. — Т. 14, № 3. — С. 287-293.

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