Wave Scattering in Near Zone of a Statistically Rough Surface. III. Time Correlation Function for the Case of Oblique Incidence for a One-Position Location
The asymptotics are obtained of the multiple rapidly-oscillating integrals determining the correlation function and intensity of a field scattered by a statistically rough surface for a one-position location. For this purpose, the saddle-point method meeting the case of the isolated saddle-points is used. The transitions to the known in literature result is analyzed.
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Брюховецкий А.С. Рассеяние волн в ближней зоне статистически неровной поверхности. III. Временная корреляционная функция и интенсивность в случае наклонного зондирования при однопозиционной локации / А.С. Брюховецкий // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2009. — Т. 14, № 3. — С. 304-314.

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