Investigation of Magnetic Oscillations in a Waveguide-Coaxial Resonator
The electrical characteristics for the fundamental lowest resonance oscillation of the H111 magnetic mode in a waveguide-coaxial resonator (WCR) are investigated. The calculated dependencies of the eigenfrequencies and Q-factors for the H111 mode are obtained versus the resonator geometrical parameters for the different values of the relative permittivity of the material filling the WCR coaxial part. The results of the experiments with the WCR of the 3-cm-wavelength band are shown. The computed and experimental data fit closely.
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Белоус Р.И. Исследование колебаний магнитного типа в волноводно-коаксиальном резонаторе / Р.И. Белоус, С.П. Мартынюк, А.П. Моторненко, И.Г. Скуратовский // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2009. — Т. 14, № 3. — С. 328-338.

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