On the Doppler Selection Efficiency at Shorter Millimeter Wavelengths
Experimental statistics of the disturbances related to millimeter radiowave backscatter from vegetation are obtained. Major attention is paid to the signals backscattered from deciduous trees and having higher intensity vs. radio echoes from other types of vegetation. The signals reflected from deciduous trees are shown to be statistically nonstationary for short observation periods. For these, the estimated effectiveness model for the doppler selectors is obtained. It is shown that using adaptive filtration methods with the disturbance statistics accounted increase these devices efficiency.
Full Text:
Гутник В.Г. Об эффективности доплеровской селекции в коротковолновой части миллиметрового диапазона радиоволн / В.Г. Гутник, Л.И. Шарапов, В.Н. Горобец, Ю.В. Гончаренко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2009. — Т. 14, № 1. — С. 66-77.

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