Sizes of Masing Parts of Massive Star Forming Regions
It is shown that the images, line profiles, and time evolution of different interstellar masing transitions can be explained by the hypothesis that the population inversions giving birth to masers take place in turbulent regions with extents that are orders of magnitude greater than the sizes of the maser spots. It is shown that the images of methanol masers in the turbulent model persist within considerable time and do not prevent measurement of the annual parallaxes using data on the 12 GHz methanol maser positions.
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A.M. Sobolev, E.C. Sutton, W.D. Watson, A.B. Ostrovskii, O.V. Shelemei Sizes of Masing Parts of Massive Star Forming Regions. - Radiophysics and RadioAstronomy. - Vol. 13, 2008, No.3, September, Special issue, p.76

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