CRAO RT-22 and PRAO RT-22 Investigations of the Maser Sources Variability

A. E. Volvach, V. A. Samodurov, A. M. Tolmachev, L. N. Volvach, I. A. Subaev, G. M. Rudnitskij, M. I. Pashchenko


For co-ordination of the research activity between CrAO (Ukraine), PRAO ASC FIAS (Russia) and SAISh MSU (Russia) in the field of spectral radio astronomy the variability of H2O line in maser sources at 1.35 cm and that of OH line in maser sources at 18 cm were studied with the use of CrAO 22-m radio telescope RT-22 and PRAO 22-m radio telescope RT-22. About 300 H2O maser sources and 40 OH maser sources were monitored with spectral resolution of 0.1 and 0.02 km/s, respectively. The spectrum variability of the H2O maser sources WB 652, GGD 4, V391 Cyg, DR Cyg, IRAS 22480+6002 during 1994–2007 was analyzed.

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Вольвач А.Е. Исследование переменности источников мазерного излучения на РТ-22 КРАО и РТ-22 ПРАО / А.Е. Вольвач, В.А. Самодуров, А.М. Толмачев, Л.Н. Вольвач, И.А. Субаев, Г.М. Рудницкий, М.И. Пащенко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 3. Специальный выпуск. — С. 86-92.

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