Twisted Magnetic Loops in Solar Corona and Coronal Mass Ejections
The problem of building up the theoretical models for the CME (coronal mass ejections) observed in solar corona and interplanetary space is investigated. Studying these phenomena are of great importance, because CME, as well as the solar flares, play the governing role in forming heliosphere and cosmic weather. The existing theoretical models of loop-like mass ejections are shown to be based on wrong understanding of the magnetic rope structure on the Sun and need to be revised. We have undertaken theoretical analysis of dynamics of twisted magnetic loop in a quasi-longitudinal external magnetic field. We have proved that for this type configuration even the slight twisting of the rope can be sufficient to provide the rising of the top part of the loop to the heights up to 100 thousand kilometers. A theoretically derived mode of the loop movement corresponds well to the dynamics of the loop observed by TRACE.
Full Text:
Соловьев А.А. Скрученные магнитные петли в короне Солнца и корональные выбросы массы / А.А. Соловьев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 3. Специальный выпуск. — С. 114-124.

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