Methods for the Analysis of Human Organism Reactions on Changes of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity
In IZMIRAN (Troitsk , Russia) designed was the theory of measuring the conductance of biologically active points (BAP) based on R.Voll method for the responses analysis of human organism systems on changes in helio- and geophysical conditions. In 2002 the simultaneous joint cycle of such measuring on testing groups in Troitsk and in Odesa was carried out by IZMIRAN, Odesa State Ecological University and Odesa Observatory “Uran-4” of the Institute of Radio Astronomy NASU. The data processing shows essential difference in the level of different systems’ conductance of some tested organisms. Besides, there is a noticeable trend in the data bound with the factor of seasonal changes. The data processing procedure developed by the authors is shown, too. It allows comparison of the response of individual human organism systems vs. changes of exterior conditions. The method is based on the calculation of BAP deviations from seasonal trends, that allows the analysis within a single system. The systems of human organs being the most sensitive to external influences are determined.
Full Text:
Грабко Н.В. Методы анализа реакции организма человека на изменения солнечной и геомагнитной активности / Н.В. Грабко, М.И. Рябов, Л.И. Гугля // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 3. Специальный выпуск. — С. 140-146.

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