Transversal Slot in a Waveguide with Dielectric Slow-Wave Structure
The physical properties of a narrow transversal slot cut in a rectangular waveguide with a dielectric layer parallel to the waveguide broad walls are studied on the base of calculations. The possibility for slot resonance radiation in a single-mode operation is shown for the condition that the waveguide wavelength is shorter than that for the free space. The recommendations for the task-oriented choice of slot length, layer permittivity, its thickness and position in a waveguide section are given. The reliability of the results calculated is confirmed experimentally.
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Блинова Н.К. Поперечная щель в волноводе с диэлектрической замедляющей системой / Н.К. Блинова, А.А. Ляховский, Л.П. Яцук // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 1. — С. 85-92.

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