Wave Scattering in Near Zone of a Statistically Rough Surface. II. Average Intensity and Frequency Spectrum of Field Fluctuations
The average intensity and the frequency spectrum of field fluctuations in the near zone of a statistically rough surface are determined. The calculations are based on the asimptotic expansions of the fluctuating field derived in the first section of the paper. The passages to the limit for the known special cases are investigated.
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Рассеяние волн в ближней зоне статистически неровной поверхности. II. Средняя интенсивность и частотный спектр флуктуаций поля / А.С. Брюховецкий // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2008. — Т. 13, № 1. — С. 92-99.

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