Large-Scale Vortex Structures of Planetary Scale in Ionosphere Levels
The problem of generation and existence conditions of both large-scale ultra-low-frequency wavy structures and large-scale vortices in the ionosphere is considered. Some exact solutions of magnetohydrodynamic equations are found, and new invariants allowing to reveal generation mechanisms of large-scale vortices and planetary waves in the ionosphere under the effect of nonconservative Coriolis and Ampere forces constructed. This method seems to be important and original in solving the most complicated nonlinear problems of the magnetohydrodynamics of compressible, inhomogeneous, baroclinic liquid being, in the general case, under non-conservative forces. Unfortunately, it is poorly known for a wide circle of investigators in magnetohydrodynamics and plasma physics.
Full Text:
Хантадзе А.Г. Крупномасштабные вихревые структуры планетарного масштаба на ионосферных уровнях / А.Г. Хантадзе, А.И. Гвелесиани, Г.В. Джандиери // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 2. — С. 135-152.

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