The System Spectral Analysis: Theoretical Bases and Practical Applications
A new complex method of signal analysis, called as the system spectral analysis, which is based on the simultaneous application of linear and non-linear integral transforms is proposed. The system approach for analizing the signals of different nature was successfully applied. The system spectral analysis has shown to be useful for the signal integrated study. The disadvantages of some used integral transformations are compensated by the advantages of the other ones, because each transformation has its own and unique set of properties. It will be noted that the linear and non-linear transforms simultaneously used make possible to effectively analyze the signals against the background of both the Gaussian (by linear transforms) and the non-Gaussian noise (by non-linear transforms). The efficiency of the system spectral analysis as a new complex method of signal analysis is shown by the example of this on real processes having both an artificial descent (the spacecraft launch) and a natural one (the rogue wave).
Full Text:
Лазоренко О.В. Системный спектральный анализ сигналов: теоретические основы и практические применения / О.В. Лазоренко, Л.Ф. Черногор // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 2. — С. 162-182.

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