Radiation Diffuse Scattering by a Densely Packed Layer of Spherical Particles
A vector equation for describing the radiation diffuse scattering by a densely packed random medium of identical spherical particles is derived. The medium is supposed to be a statistically homogeneous plane-parallel layer illuminated by an oblique plane electromagnetic wave. The quasi-crystalline approximation is applied in the ensemble averaging of equations for the reflection matrix elements. The inhomogeneity of waves near scatterers are completely taken into account in the obtained equation. In the limiting case of the sparse media, the equation obtained is transformed into a classical vector radiative transfer equation.
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Тишковец В.П. Диффузное рассеяние излучения плотноупакованным слоем сферических частиц / В.П. Тишковец // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 1. — С. 43-55.

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