Ultra-Low-Noise Cryogenic PHEMT Amplifiers
A novel approach is suggested to design the cryogenically cooled low-noise amplifiers for the frequency range 0.5 to 4 GHz with emphasis on noise and stability performances. When cooled to 20-80 Kelvin, the noise temperature of the represented devices, being about a few degrees Kelvin, shows to be the best for the devices on commercially available PHEMTs being close to those using special-purpose cooled InP-HEMTs. The major scope of application for such devices are radio astronomy receivers where these amplifiers can be used either as input or IF ones.
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Королев А.М. Сверхмалошумящие криогенно охлаждаемые усилители на псевдоморфных гетероструктурных полевых транзисторах / А.М. Королев, В.М. Шульга // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2007. — Т. 12, № 1. — С. 84-93.

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