The URAN’s new facilities and software
The early radio receivers of the URAN interferometers with a bandwidth of 20 kHz allowed observations under strong interferences at decameter wavelengths, but essentially limited the number of radio sources observed. Necessity of the pass-band expanding to improve the URAN network sensitivity has been proved in this paper. We consider physical and technical restrictions on bandwidth expanding, and define the requirements for new receivers and recorders of the interferometers. Newly constructed facilities with extended up to 250 kHz bandwidth and software rejection of interferences are described. A method of observation for improving an accuracy and performance of interferometer measurements have been developed.
Full Text:
Рашковский C.Л. Новый аппаратно-программный комплекс УРАН / C.Л. Рашковский, А.С. Белов, А.С. Иванов, А.Б. Лозинский, В.А. Шепелев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 3. — С. 207-218.

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