The gaussian wave beam diffraction on reflected array with rectangular shorted waveguides
The transformation of patterns of linearly polarized Gaussian wave beam reflected from the array of shorted rectangular waveguides is analyzed. The cases of normal and oblique incidence of a beam of two orthogonal polarizations are considered. It is shown that the pattern of the reflected beam can be several times narrower than that of the incident field. Conditions and parameters of the structure when the specular reflected beam has a minimum power are found.
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Грибовский А.В. Дифракция гауссового волнового пучка на отражательной решетке из закороченных прямоугольных волноводов / А.В. Грибовский, О.А. Елисеев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 3. — С. 264-276.

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