Ionospheric Processes During the Geospace Storm of August 5–6, 2011

I. F. Domnin, L. Ya. Emelyanov, M. V. Lyashenko, S. V. Kharytonova, L. F. Chernogor


Ionospheric Processes During the Geospace Storm of August 5–6, 2011 Results of the study of the ionosphere response to the severe magnetic storm of 5–6 August 2011 are presented. The magnetic storm was accompanied by negative ionospheric disturbance over Kharkiv. A significant increase in the F2 layer peak altitude (from 310 to 510 km) was observed. The variations of ionosphere parameters measured by the incoherent scatter radar of the Institute of Ionosphere, Kharkiv, were studied.

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Домнин И.Ф. Ионосферные процессы, сопровождавшие геокосмическую бурю 5–6 августа 2011 г. / И.Ф. Домнин, Л.Я. Емельянов, М.В. Ляшенко, С.В. Харитонова, Л.Ф. Черногор // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 4. — С. 320-333.

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