Wave disturbances of electron density in ionospheric f2 layer: seasonal-diurnal variations
Regular and quasiperiodic seasonal and diurnal variations of electron density N, in ionospheric F2-layer in growth of solar activity (2011) are analyzed. Short-time Fourier transform, adaptive Fourier transform and wavelet transform were applied to the system spectral analysis. During all seasons, a prevailing oscillation with the period of 140-200 min, amplitude Na(0.2-2)1011 м-3, relative amplitude had been shown in ionospheric F2-layer. Duration of this oscillation, depending on the season, varied within 5-7 to 24 h. The amplitude of fluctuations with other periods was noticeably smaller.
Full Text:
Черногор Л.Ф. Волновые возмущения концентрации электронов в слое F2 ионосферы: сезонно-суточные вариации / Л.Ф. Черногор, В.В. Барабаш // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 4. — С. 353-362.

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