Eigen modes in electrodynamic system round – rectangular waveguides with dielectric
A three-dimensional electrodynamic model of hybrid electromagnetic modes in waveguide junction “cylindrical – rectangular waveguides”, filled by dielectric has been created. The classification of eigenmode types have been carried out: eigen resonances of a junction on evanescent waves and resonances of a waveguide-dielectric type. The structure under investigation can be used in measuring the electrical parameters of dielectric samples of both cylindrical and rectangular cross sections. As the spectral characteristics of a junction are defined, basically, by the size of a central coupling region of waveguides and electrical parameters of that part of dielectric which is there, the measurements are local.
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Стрижаченко А.В. Собственные колебания в электродинамической системе круглый – прямоугольный волноводы с диэлектриком / А.В. Стрижаченко, С.Н. Шульга, А.А. Звягинцев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 4. — С. 369-376.

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