Microwave Radar Signal Reflection from Vegetation. Experimental Characteristics and Models
The characteristics of microwave backscattering from vegetation are analyzed. It is shown that under fitful wind conditions the microwave signals scattered from small patches of vegetation are unsteady. The total power of scattered signal and its instantaneous spectrum strictly depends on time. The algorithm for unsteady radar microwave signal creation is proposed and actualized. It is shown that characteristics of signal, generated for particular conditions fairly agree with experimental signal characteristics obtained at the same conditions.
Full Text:
Гутник В.Г. Радиолокационные отражения от растительности в СВЧ диапазоне. Экспериментальные характеристики и модельные представления / В.Г. Гутник, В.Н. Горобец, Ю.В. Гончаренко //
Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2012. — Т. 17, № 4. — С. 376-381.

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