Microstrip Antenna Arrays with Laminated Dielectric Covering
The analysis algorithm is constructed and radiation characteristics calculated for the antenna arrays of rectangular radiators with laminated dielectric covering. This latter effect on the antenna characteristics is studied. The possibility for the structure synthesis of microstrip antenna arrays with laminated dielectric covering is shown. Exemplified is a four element antenna array with the duplex dielectric coating. The effect of severe narrowing the antenna directional pattern in the E-plane and broadening in the H-plane is found.
Full Text:
Селезнев Д.Г. Микрополосковые антенные решетки с многослойным диэлектрическим покрытием / Д.Г. Селезнев, И.И. Резник, А.Д. Селезнев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2006. — Т. 11, № 4. — С. 369-378.

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