Open Resonator with an Active Microstrip Array
An hemispherical open resonator (OR) whose flat mirror carries an amplifier modul, being a power amplifier structurally integrated with a four-element microstrip array (MSA), is discussed. The experimental curves pertaining to the resonance transfer factor of the OR excited by the amplifier module and the MSA are shown, all the measurements made at the X-band. Such an open electrodynamic system is shown to be promising in terms of measuring the permittivity of high-loss substances.
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Архипов А.В. Открытый резонатор с активной микрополосковой решеткой / А.В. Архипов, И.К. Кузьмичев, О.Г. Нечаев, Д.Г. Селезнев // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2006. — Т. 11, № 4. — С. 378-385.

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