Radar VLBI Investigations Using RT-70 Radio Telescope

O. O. Konovalenko, I. S. Falkovich, L. M. Litvinenko, A. S. Nabatov, A. G. Petrenko, O. P. Fedorov, A. B. Kamelin, S. V. Malevinskyi, I. E. Molotov, A. F. Dement’ev, B. N. Lipatov, M. V. Nechaeva, J. Tukkari, Sh. Lu, Yu. N. Gorshenkov, V. M. Agapov


The results of the VLBI method application in the world-new VLBI-location method are described. The method allows Earth-based sounding of planets, asteroids, “space debris” objects and reception of echo signals with the radio telescope network in VLBI-mode. The precise trajectory determination of the potentially Earth-dangerous asteroids and fragments of “space debris” is an important applied aspect of the investigations carried out. 9 VLBI-location experiments have been made with the use of the RT-70-based planet locator of the National Space Facility Control and Test Center (NSFCTC) in Evpatoria and through the international cooperation with the VLBI-stations of the “Low-frequency VLBI net (LFVN)”.

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Коноваленко А.А. Радиолокационные РСДБ-исследования с использованием радиотелескопа РТ-70 / А.А. Коноваленко, И.С. Фалькович, Л.Н. Литвиненко, А.С. Набатов, А.Г. Петренко, О.П. Федоров, А.Б. Камелин, С.В. Малевинский, И.Е. Молотов, А.Ф. Дементьев, Б.Н. Липатов, М.Б. Нечаева, Дж. Туккари, Ш. Лю6, Ю.Н. Горшенков, В.М. Агапов // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 5 - Специальный выпуск. — С. 20-45.

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