Making and Processing the Northern Sky Radio Maps Based on the Continuum Survey with the UTR-2 Radio Telescope
The techniques, algorithms and the “Sky Continuum Survey” software package with the user interface have been developed for radio mapping based on the continuum survey with the UTR-2 radio telescope. Using the obtained algorithms has allowed plotting the radio images in different co-ordinates (equatorial and galactic) and graphic presentations. The database created includes several catalogs of point and extended radio sources whose location and dimension can be derived from the maps obtained. The developed techniques, algorithms and software package allow image processing, i. e. extracting the background component, obtaining the flux densities of extended sources, convolving the images to common resolution, mapping the temperature spectral indices and converting the obtained images to the FITS format.
Full Text:
Василенко Н.М. Построение и обработка радиокарт северного неба по наблюдениям в континууме на радиотелескопе УТР-2 / Н.М. Василенко, Д.B. Муха, М.А. Сидорчук, К.М. Сидорчук // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 3. — С. 244-254.

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