Geospace Wave Disturbances Accompanying “Soyuz” and “Proton” Launches and Flights
The observational data on the ionosphere response to the missile launches in 2003-2004 are described (nine events in total). The disturbances with propagation velocities of 560÷740 m/s were observed reliably. The faster (1÷5 km/s) disturbances were recorded with uncertainty. Those launch-resulted ones were most pronounced at altitudes 150÷350 km. In some cases, missile launches resulted in stronger ionospheric wave disturbances, some other cases yielded weaker disturbances. The relative amplitudes of wave processes varied within several to several tens percent.
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Бурмака В.П. Волновые возмущения в геокосмосе, сопровождавшие старты и полеты ракет “Союз” и “Протон” / В.П. Бурмака, Л.Ф. Черногор, Ю.В. Черняк // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 3. — С. 254-273.

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