Microwave Dielectric Permeability of Disperse Water Content Environments

F. M. Hammoud, V. P. Gerasimov, Yu. E. Gordienko


The numerical-analytical simulation algorithm for the effective dielectric permeability (EDP) of disperse water content environments, based on the notion of interaction features of a nonuniform N-layer environment with the electromagnetic field of a hollow single-mode regular cavity on the E-mode oscillations, is proved for the cavity cross section totally filled with such an environment. For N exceeding the values set in operation, the EDP layered environment in such a field is shown to correspond to its value for the disperse environment with the parameters of particles and interlayers identical to those of layers. The correspondence is established through the experimental data and the estimates of EDP water content disperse environments obtained with alternative methods. The algorithm is effective for the research of EDP of multicomponent environments with the wide range of heterogeneity variations.

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Хаммуд Ф.М. СВЧ диэлектрическая проницаемость дисперсных влагосодержащих сред / Ф.М. Хаммуд, В.П. Герасимов, Ю.Е. Гордиенко // Радиофизика и радиоастрономия. — 2005. — Т. 10, № 3. — С. 334-346.

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